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Aishwariya's LittLog

On Books, Writing, Editing, and More
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World Music Day

It’s world music day today. As a musicophile, I wouldn’t be exaggerating if I said the quality of my life depends on music. I listen

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International Day of Yoga

It’s international day of yoga, today. My mom has been doing hatha yoga since her 20s. She learned it from a book, back then. She

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National Reading Day

“Puthuvayil Narayana Panicker is known as the Father of the Library Movement in the Indian state of Kerala. The activities of the Kerala Grandhasala Sangham

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Chase the Change by Sandeep Jain

In this book, the author Sandeep Jain delves into the psychology of change, enabling readers to realize their potential by analyzing what holds them back from

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My Sweetest Memories of Food

When my maternal grandmother was alive, I visited her in Delhi on more than 20 occasions over the years and stayed with her in her

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WWW Wednesday

What did you recently finish? The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams What are you currently reading? Two for the road – Misadventures of an atypical

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Leonid Showers

It was time for the Leonid Showers. She was eager to see the rare celestial event. But what was rarer still was that she was not

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The Irula Community

As a city-bred girl, my idea of the Irula community has always been limited to the knowledge that they handle/catch snakes. After moving to suburban

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My Favorite Travel Accessories

Traveling brings along with it the need to pack. I’m not particularly a light traveler. I think of every little thing I might need while

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Lessons Learned

Someone messaged me privately and asked whether I had a problem with her. I said I didn’t, and I meant it. I said if she

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Cats Rule!

I’ve loved cats since I was a little child. My favourite memory involves watching a tiny kitty playing with a puppy. I brought that kitty

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Aishwariya Laxmi

I’m Aishwariya. I’m passionate about writing, reading, marketing communications, books, blogging, poetry, and editing. I’ve donned several hats, such as freelance journalist, copywriter, blogger, and editor.


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From the Archives

Top Book Reviewers in India

I have been recognized as one of the top book reviewers in India by the Zorba Books! It is an incredible honor to be acknowledged this way.

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Top Book Bloggers in India

I have been recognized as one of the top book bloggers in India by The Himalayan Writing Retreat! It is an incredible honor to be acknowledged this way.

Read full article here

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