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Aishwariya's LittLog

On Books, Writing, Editing, and More

About Me

Hi! I'm Aishwariya.
I’m a writer, blogger, editor, and poet based in suburban Chennai, India.

I’ve been blogging since 2004, and I started blogging about books in 2017.

Writing gives me clarity of thought. When I arrange my ideas and opinions on a page, I can see the contours of the subject. I’ve been published in 36 anthologies since 2020.

I’ve been interviewed: 

I’ve loved books for as long as I can remember. I’ve devoured books of all kinds – from anthologies of short stories and poems, collections of essays, and scientific writing to large novels – from an early age.

When I began writing, I concentrated on the meaning, structure, flow, and English grammar to enrich the reader’s experience.

Deep inside, I knew that anything related to the world of words would interest me and be suitable for me. Also, I had taken a career suitability assessment test while at college, which indicated I would be good at research. Helping others arrange their thoughts to convey sense through the written word eventually led to editing as my creative outlet.

You, dear reader, can expect to find on my blog:

  • Interviews with Published Authors
  • Book reviews of the Latest Books
  • Poems I’ve Written
  • Travel
  • Musings 
  • Food, Health, and Fitness
  • Art
  • Slices of My Life
  • Guest Posts By My Parents
  • Misc.

I look forward to engaging with you via my blog. We can have a conversation in the comments section.

Causes I Support

Books and Education

Cleanliness and Hygiene


Protection Against Street Harassment, Eve-teasing, Cat-calling, etc.

Sustainable Fashion

Arts and Culture


Human Rights


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