I started my Facebook account in 2007 or so. Back then I worked with an international bank, so I did not have access to Facebook at work. At home, I had to wash clothes, clean the house, unwind, etc, coz I lived alone, so I never had the time for Facebook. My internet connection was also patchy. It was in 2008 or 2009 that I started being active on Facebook. I had my former colleagues and then colleagues on it and I would post random things on Facebook – song lyrics, silly thoughts, cheeky statements, etc. At work, I was so quiet that my colleagues who were on Facebook got to see a different side of me online and couldn’t believe it was the same person.
Cut to 2024 – I’ve learned to post things that resonate with my true self offline since otherwise it misleads people into thinking I’m extroverted and gregarious, which I’m not. I’m a quiet person who expresses herself through her writing. Social media has helped me connect with people and understand what is going on around me. It also also helped me resolve misunderstandings and dispel untruths about me. At times, the posts on social media have gotten to be too much for me and messed a bit with my mind, but the judicial use of social media has helped me rather than harmed me. So I will always be grateful for world social media day.