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Book extract from ‘Lacy Pita: A.T.Y.P.I.C.A.L.G.I.R.L’

I’m happy to feature a short book extract from Lacy Pita: A.T.Y.P.I.C.A.L.G.I.R.L by Author Rick Stevens with his permission.

Book Extract

“Hearing about how to be a storyteller took up the time until lunch. Telling a story
verbally was a complex social situation, not really a good option. Working in text and pictures
was acceptable, appealing, even.

Jody grabbed the handle hanging below a graying weathered bell the diameter of a
basketball and signaled that it was time for lunch. Lacy had endured a half day of being away
from home. It had gone well, but lunch in a lunchroom was a whole new social challenge.
Emme jumped up and looked at Lacy, who hadn’t moved. “We have to have lunch away from
the equipment, spills, and everything”. Lacy still didn’t move. “…but, we have options. Big,
normal school lunchroom. I guess not that normal for you, since you have been home-schooled.
In the big room there are small tables off to the side and the whole back is study carrels where
there are fewer…distractions. Also, there are 4 small rooms off that hall in the back of the
lunch room. You can have total isolation in one of those. Or, I can come with you, if you want.”

As Emme talked, Lacy saw pictures. “Big school lunch room” brought up a picture of
being trapped in a corner by big people with little people behind them. “Small tables” was one
of the fast food places near her home. It was never busy around 2 pm and her mom would take
her there for social practice. It was almost ok. The shiny surfaces and bright colors were nice.
She didn’t know what study carrels are, so no picture, but fewer distractions sound like a plus.
A back room with Emme just brought up the cubical that they had worked in this morning and
she now realized that there was a positive emotion associated with it. “A back room with you
sounds good.”

“Ok, let’s go get the lunch that you brought and find a room, then I’ll go through the
lunch line.”

Book Cover of Lacy Pita: Atypical Girl provided by the author

About the book: (Text courtesy Amazon)

Lacy Pita is a story of a 14-year-old girl whose new experience of going to a Girls Who Code camp starts her on the path of growing into her new identity. The path includes her first real friend and the establishment of a business writing apps. Lacy wins access to an AI in a coding camp contest and wonders why talking to it feels like talking to a person. She likes word and math games, calling her new business the Echo Grid Owls because it is an anagram of Girls Who Code. Her first experience out of the house alone is a character-building event.

About the author: (Text courtesy Amazon)

I’ve been a psychology professor for three decades. Now that I am considering retirement, I’m writing for my own enjoyment, hopefully for others, too. I have been teaching things like how we perceive the world, and how we process information in normal circumstances.

The book is available for free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers.

Here’s the link to the book on Kindle India.


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Aishwariya Laxmi

I’m Aishwariya. I’m passionate about writing, reading, marketing communications, books, blogging, poetry and editing. I’ve donned several hats, such as freelance journalist, copywriter, blogger and editor.


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