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My Review of ‘Being, Becoming, Being’

I finally got to read Christina Daniels’ recent poetry release, ‘ Being, Becoming, Being’ published by Alien Buddha Press. Thanks, Red, for sending me a PDF review copy. It means a lot to me.

Christina’s book has a lovely theme, photographs, notes about each poem, and poems about love, growing up, and politics.

My favorite poem in her book is the one about different kinds of women. Each poem is beautifully written and like with all poets, this book is a labor of love.

When she writes about writers being the best and the worst kind of people, I nodded along ‘coz I’d said that in one of my Medium posts, too. I genuinely feel that way.

With Christina’s background in poetry with Ms. Wendy and her experiences at Tuesdays With The Bard at Urban Solace, any piece of writing produced by her would be worth reading. Please pick up a copy of ‘Being, Becoming, Being’ to experience beautiful poetry.

I’ve also read her bestselling book on Aamir Khan, ‘I’ll do it my way,’ which I’ve found valuable since it is a book about the film star minus any of the gossip.

Link to Being, Becoming, Being – https://aishwariyalaxmi.com/2024/06/23/being-becoming-being-by-christina-daniels/

Link to ‘I’ll Do it My Way’ –https://www.amazon.in/Ill-Incredible-Journey-Aamir-Khan/dp/9352761170/

Pic of me with the author

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Aishwariya Laxmi

I’m Aishwariya. I’m passionate about writing, reading, marketing communications, books, blogging, poetry and editing. I’ve donned several hats, such as freelance journalist, copywriter, blogger and editor.


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