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Aishwariya's LittLog

On Books, Writing, Editing, and More

Who knows what tomorrow will bring? It may get you to me. It may be just another day. But I’m determined not to make my days a procession of quotidian activities.

I want to do my best to fly—even soar if I can—on the wings of my imagination and touch the stars. I will soar above the earth like a meteor flashing in the sky. I will rise. I will be the best I can be.

You can either be with me or on your own. But I plan to be self-sufficient and complete by myself. I am not waiting for you to complete me ‘coz there aren’t any missing spaces inside.

Oddly enough, the moment I stopped looking for love for love outside me was when I found it inside me. And love inspires me to put one step ahead of the other and anticipate what the day might bring.

Isn’t it strange how our thoughts can make or break us? I’m glad that my thoughts are making me the best I can be right now. I’m filled with gratitude for the possibilities that emerge on my horizon. The sky is a kaleidoscope of colors that can bring me warmth and joy. 

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Aishwariya Laxmi

I’m Aishwariya. I’m passionate about writing, reading, marketing communications, books, blogging, poetry and editing. I’ve donned several hats, such as freelance journalist, copywriter, blogger and editor.


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