I now realize how I have dealt with heavy/intense emotions in the past. The day my grandmother died, my mother was in Delhi at her bedside. When she called to give me and my dad the news of her passing, the both of us were in an eatery in T.Nagar, Chennai. After she told me, I started yelling about some cab issue at the top of my voice on the roadside.
Let’s take the time my paternal aunt (atthai) passed away last month. This time, I dealt with it by feeling intensely miserable, depressed, and lost. I called my dad from upstairs, and he sat with me as I lamented about numerous things. I did not bring up the subject with my cousin( whose mother it was who had passed) until he did today.
Incidentally, it was also last month that my blood sugar levels spiked and my pressure went up to over 200! I was in and out of hospitals the entire month. I was wheeled to the casualty room, but I did not want to lie in bed as per the doctor’s instructions. I checked with the staff and somehow returned home with my parents.