Held every year on 21 March, World Poetry Day celebrates one of humanity’s most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expression and identity. UNESCO first adopted 21 March as World Poetry Day during its 30th General Conference in Paris in 1999, to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increase the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard. World Poetry Day is the occasion to honor poets, revive oral traditions of poetry recitals, promote the reading, writing, and teaching of poetry, foster the convergence between poetry and other arts, such as theatre, dance, music, and painting, and raise the visibility of poetry in the media. (Adapted from the UNESCO website.)
World Poetry Day
I’m always happy
To be a part of something
Bigger than me by far
Emotions play a significant role
In the lives of artistes, painters,
Poets and writers.
This March 21st,
On World Poetry Day,
Let’s exchange notes
With other creative folk.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash