I read ‘Raising Capable Children’ by Sakshi Varma because I know of her as a blogger. I wanted to know what she had to say about parenting. Even in the title, she emphasises values, attitudes and skills. It was a joy to see how she referred to the importance of magic in one’s childhood and the need for children to believe in happy endings. The author says she read a lot of Enid Blytons as a child and she picked up a few values from the books. She emphasises the importance of touch and hugs to ensure that children grow up to have a strong sense of self-esteem and security. She also recommends believing in guardian angels. I see how that is important since children( and adults too) need something to believe in! She talks about how to instill a sense of observation in children, raise them to be honest and upright with integrity, and encourage them to make decisions.

Very importantly, this parenting book talks about raising children who are empathetic, self-aware and kind. The author goes on to say that success means different things to different people and that there is no one-size-fits all formula for everyone. She gives a few tips on how to help cultivate a sense of humour in children, while seeing to it that their jokes do not offend or hurt others. She discourages constant comparison to other kids or families and encourages parents to spend quality time with their children. She touches upon how money management skills can be inculcated in very small children. She urges parents not to thrust their unfulfilled dreams on their children and instead let them choose their path. With these basic principles and values, she outlines in each chapter how to bring up children with a few examples from her own life. The book is also peppered with quotes and makes for engaging reading even for people who aren’t parents, such as me who only deal with other people’s children?