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Aishwariya's LittLog

On Books, Writing, Editing, and More

Tag: Poetry

H is for Happiness

A feeling of contentment Settling in on us A genuine smile on our faces Every now and then A spring

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G is for Gratitude

When you count  Each blessing in your life Then you know You have reason to be thankful And grateful For

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F is for Fatigued

Your eyes open It’s another day That has begun You lie in bed Tossing and Turning Nearly dead with fatigue

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E is for Elation

To reach the peak  Of Mount Everest To ride the crest  Of every wave To see the sun After dark

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D is for Despair

Have you ever felt like the rug  Was pulled from beneath you? And that you had to confront A bottomless

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C is for Calmness

I long for an ocean of calm To envelop me Gather me in its waves and Nestle me safely For

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B is for Bliss

Blessings. Blossoms. Balconies laden with plants Bearing the blooms  From your burgeoning heart Bliss is when  Everything comes together And

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A is for Anger

What is this But a crimson hue? A shade of red Amidst the brown On your pale skin A monumental

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Dear Future Me

You’ve always been fine just the way you are So don’t let other people’s opinions mar What could be a

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A Study In Contrasts

The raven sits alone Atop the ruins Ruminating “One for sorrow!” “I don’t want to see it!” I think to myself… I stumble into

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Aishwariya Laxmi

I’m Aishwariya. I’m passionate about writing, reading, marketing communications, books, blogging, poetry and editing. I’ve donned several hats, such as freelance journalist, copywriter, blogger and editor.


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From the Archives

Top Book Reviewers in India

I have been recognized as one of the top book reviewers in India by the Zorba Books! It is an incredible honor to be acknowledged this way.

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Top Book Bloggers in India

I have been recognized as one of the top book bloggers in India by The Himalayan Writing Retreat! It is an incredible honor to be acknowledged this way.

Read full article here

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Song of the Week