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Aishwariya's LittLog

On Books, Writing, Editing, and More

Tag: Poetry

S is for Surprise

Don’t ever assume That this is what is going to happen Life could turn out To give you a warm

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R is for Romance

When a man and a woman Court each other Often, romance happens in the head. I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z –

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P is for Pleasure

What a pleasurable thought Writing a poem about you… It has me smiling!  You have me smiling… (Even when things aren’t

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O is for Optimism

What a blessing It is to be  A fount of optimism You always see the glass half-full Rather than half-empty

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N is for Nostalgia

They say when you start looking back On your childhood It means you are getting old I’m not “old” But

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M is for Merriment

Merriment comes about When life seems carefree And nothing gets in the wayOf having a good time With excitement and

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K is for Kindness

What does it take in A world that celebrates the strong To be soft and human Kind and caring Giving

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J is for Joy

The emotion that peeks out  When one is happy The satisfaction of a job well done Or a line written

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I is for Interest

Interest is what Lets people know you care About what’s being said Or what’s being done Or the topic at

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H is for Happiness

A feeling of contentment Settling in on us A genuine smile on our faces Every now and then A spring

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Aishwariya Laxmi

I’m Aishwariya. I’m passionate about writing, reading, marketing communications, books, blogging, poetry and editing. I’ve donned several hats, such as freelance journalist, copywriter, blogger and editor.


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From the Archives

Top Book Reviewers in India

I have been recognized as one of the top book reviewers in India by the Zorba Books! It is an incredible honor to be acknowledged this way.

Read full article here

Top Book Bloggers in India

I have been recognized as one of the top book bloggers in India by The Himalayan Writing Retreat! It is an incredible honor to be acknowledged this way.

Read full article here

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Song of the Week