I’ve wanted to write about my experience at the Van Gogh exhibit that came to Express Avenue, Chennai, in Q1 this year for a while. I guess today is the day it’s happening. Post-pandemic, I was still traumatized for a while due to some PTSD ( self-diagnosed). I had only gone to a mall to buy stuff for the house in several months. I felt claustrophobic and cooped up most of the time. I was irritable, too.
I’d been waiting forever to see the Van Gogh exhibit in Chennai. So when it did come, I reached out to my friend Tan. We met at Express Avenue after a zillion years. Just two weeks earlier, my blood sugar levels and pressure were through the roof and I’d gone to Hindu Mission Hospital to get it sorted.
So, I was a bit dizzy and unstable when I met Tan. But all my stress, tension, numerous mysterious ailments, and assorted aches and pains disappeared after returning from that exhibit. I’ve always known that the majority of my health issues are psychosomatic. Anyhoo, I’m so glad Tan is my friend.

Pic credit – Unsplash