I’ve watched only a handful of Alfred Hitchcock’s films – Niagara, Rear Window, The Birds, and a couple of others that I can’t recall at the moment. Recently, I read an article on the net that Tippi Hedren ( who happens to be actress Melanie Griffith’s mother) went through a horrible time while shooting for ‘The Birds’ because apparently, Hitchcock had not briefed ( or warned her) about the birds attack scene in the movie. She reportedly had to undergo a week’s therapy due to that.
I watched the movie a very long time ago, but somewhere in my consciousness, that scene has been registered. Even yesterday, when I went up to my terrace for a walk with my parents, I was fine for about twenty minutes. Then some predatory bird started swooping down and fluttering its wings in a real bizarre fashion.
I shot out of there and returned to the safe sanctuary of my room. I was so rattled that I forgot to change my clothes until much later. What do you, dear readers, think of what Alfred Hitchcock did to Tippi Hedren?