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Aishwariya's LittLog

On Books, Writing, Editing, and More

Day: April 26, 2024

Writer’s Block

When she first sat down to write She bled a drop or two of pain onto the page Now, those

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The role of a creative soul

Having a creative soulIs a double-edged swordWhile it may bestow on its ownerProficiency with words,Only the individual knows what it’s

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The artist within me

#Creativity and Writing The artist within me is a child —A happy one who doesn’t fret about what people think

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The war of the elements

One day on planet earth Fire challenged water “Watch out, or I’ll burn you!” Water was calm and true She

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One in a Million

Life cuts like a knife It breaks your heart into a million pieces Until the fragments start hurting you Every

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A Viper In My Backyard

When I first moved here in 2016, I focused on getting an internet connection since I felt isolated. Also, one

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Aishwariya Laxmi

I’m Aishwariya. I’m passionate about writing, reading, marketing communications, books, blogging, poetry and editing. I’ve donned several hats, such as freelance journalist, copywriter, blogger and editor.


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From the Archives

Top Book Reviewers in India

I have been recognized as one of the top book reviewers in India by the Zorba Books! It is an incredible honor to be acknowledged this way.

Read full article here

Top Book Bloggers in India

I have been recognized as one of the top book bloggers in India by The Himalayan Writing Retreat! It is an incredible honor to be acknowledged this way.

Read full article here

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Song of the Week